Navbar 1

Mobile Full Nav

HAMBURGER: Uses clip-path to create a hamburger menu open effect. Description includes full screen property sizes for phone size navbar with slide out effects. (Preview on the side and see the source code of the navbar below on codepen.)

Tech stack : HTML/CSS

VaithiSniper's Navbar1 Navbar 2

Mobile Nav

Hamburger operated minimalistic navbar: Uses display CSS property to create a hamburger menu open effect. Description includes full screen property sizes for phone size navbar with slide out effects. (Preview on the side and see the source code of the navbar below on codepen.)

Tech stack : HTML/CSS/JS

thetribunalcode's navbar-1 Navbar 3

PC Nav

Gothic style navbar: A dark themed navbar with a login CTA button with on hover effects for the nav-links and the button (Preview on the side and see the source code of the navbar below on codepen.)

Tech stack : HTML/CSS

Priyanshi's Navbar2 Navbar 4

Sticky Navbar

This page include fixed navigation bar. The navigation bar will stay at the top of the page while scrolling. (Preview on the side and see the source code of the navbar below on codepen.)

Tech stack : HTML/CSS

VaithiSniper's Navbar2 Navbar 5

Gradient background nav

Animated-gradient background navbar: Uses CSS animation and gradients to create a gradient-animation effect. Description includes full screen property sizes for phone size navbar with slide out effects. (Preview on the side and see the source code of the navbar below on codepen.)

Tech stack : HTML/CSS

VaithiSniper's Navbar2 Navbar 6

Fullscreen navbar

Professional fullscreen navbar with navlinks in center and dropdown menu for more options on the right. (Preview on the side and see the source code of the navbar below on codepen.)

Tech stack : HTML/CSS+Bootstrap

Deepak's Navbar7 Navbar 7

Mobile Nav

This page includes an hamburger style nav-bar. When the screen width becomes much smaller then the required screen then the navigation bar hides in the hamburger icon and it can be seen by clicking on it. (Preview on the side and see the source code of the navbar below on codepen.)

Tech stack : HTML/CSS/JS